Continuing on our East Coast adventure, we picked up members of our family and headed to WA DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade. The weather threatened rain, but it was still very warm. I managed to get a sunburn even though the sun wasn't out much or ever got very hot. Sigh.

Before the parade we kept seeing this guy that managed to get his cat to walk on a leash. I never would have believed it possible - but you see the proof!

The Parade started with a bunch of different US Military units in various uniforms, even one from colonial times. Parade fare then moved onto floats, dancers, cars and bands. They had unicyclists, gymnasts, a few politicians, a giant Target ad and a bunch of old, cool cars.
The rain kept starting and stopping, but aside from getting wet, it wasn't too bad. The sun would come out and dry everything up, then it would cloud up again. I'm used to it just staying cloudy, cold and wet.

Garfield showed up, which was pretty cool and I'm really glad we splurged and bought grandstand tickets, cause I would have been a sad camper if we had to fight for seats or stand for the entire parade.
I vaguely remember being in a parade when I was younger and could twirl a baton, but I don't remember it being anywhere near this long!
After the parade we wandered out to see the monuments and look for some actual cherry blossoms. Apparently we were there at the end of the fesitval and most of the cherry blossoms were gone. Sad. We did find a few trees that hadn't been savaged by the wind, but they were few and far between.

Mom and the Washington Monument. Sorry, no Martians!
My aunt wanted a picture with some passing servicemen, so my cousin managed to talk them into it and everyone joined in! After the monument looking we found a cool Japanese street fair where they had Taiko drumming, which I love, then we all headed back for our long drive back to Delware.